How to read this documentation

The goal of this documentation is to be a quick reference/manual for regular users, instead of a technical documentation. It should be easily readable by users without too much technical knowledge of the mod. However, there are certain aspects that you as a reader should be aware of when it comes to how the information is presented.

Cvar values

Valid values for cvars are presented in few different ways.



any integer

Any whole number. The cvar ignores decimal values and truncates the number, meaning 2.2 and 2.9 both evaluate to 2.

any value

Any floating point number (a number with decimals), e.g. 2.5.

any positive integer

Any whole number equal to or higher than 0.

any positive value

Any floating point number equal to or higher than 0.0.

0 or 1

Toggle cvar, 0 means disabled, 1 means enabled.

0 - 5

A whole number within range 0 - 5.

0.0 - 5.0

A floating point number within range 0.0 - 5.0.


A combined value of “flags”. Valid values for the flags are listed under the cvar explanation. Adding the desired flag values together represents the final value. For example, a cvar might have flags 1, 2, and 4. If you want to enable flags 1 and 4, you add them together 1 + 4 = 5, which is the final value.

any color

Takes a color string as an input, see color system for more information.

any string

Takes in a string literal. This might sometimes be listed with a context-specific name, such as filename or directory.


ET handles cvar values internally as 32-bit values. For simplicitys sake, this documentation doesn’t explicitly define the numeric limits of 32-bit values everywhere, but says that you can use “any” value for them. In reality, there are limitations:

  • Valid range for integers is -2147483648 - 2147483647.

  • Valid range for floating point numbers is -3.40282e+38 - 3.40282e+38.

  • Maximum length for a string value is 256 characters.

    • This includes color codes where applicable.

Unless a cvar explicitly defines the valid values with a range, these are the limitations for a given cvar’s value.


ETJump has many commands that are accessible to clients, either as console commands or via the admin system. These commands often take in one ore more arguments. The way these arguments are presented in the documentation uses the following format:

  • arguments in <angle brackets> or in plain text are mandatory.

  • arguments in [square brackets] are optional.

  • values separated with | are valid values for a given argument

  • values in (parentheses) specify a valid range of values for a given argument.

    • values can be specified inside angle or square brackets, e.g. <value (1-5)> or [value <a|b|c>].


In some examples, the valid values are broken down to separate examples to simplify reading.

These can be combined within a single argument. For example, it’s possible to have an [optional argument <with mandatory value (and range of valid values)>].

Let’s take a look at a few examples from the admin system.



!8ball <question>

Takes a single mandatory argument, <question>.

!help [command]

Takes a single optional argument, [command].

!loadcheckpoints <run name> [rank]

Takes a single mandatory argument, <run name>, and an optional argument [rank].

!moverscale <value (0.1-5.0)>

Takes a single mandatory argument, <value>, which has a valid range of (0.1-5.0)

!add-season --name <name> --start-date <YYYY-MM-DD> [--end-date-exclusive <YYYY-MM-DD>]

Takes two mandatory arguments, --name <name> and --start-date <YYYY-MM-DD>, and an optional argument --end-date-exclusive, which if given, requires a mandatory value <YYYY-MM-DD>.

!tokens delete [easy|e|medium|m|hard|h <number (1-32)>]

Takes a single mandatory argument, delete and an optional argument with one of the values easy|e|medium|m|hard|h, which if given, requires a mandatory value <number> in the range of (1-32).