ETJump Mapscripting

ETJump adds new scripting actions, events and entities for mapscripting. Below is a list of new scripting actions, as well as any additions to existing ones.


changemodel <path/to/model.md3>

Changes the entitys model to the given model.


This script action is present in ETMain but only works for brush entities using model2 key. ETJump allows this to be used to change models of misc_gamemodel entities as well.


    <classname> <value>
    [key1 <value>]
    [key2 <value>]


The documentation of this script action is possibly lacking and inaccurate.

Allows limited spawning of entities in a map. create must be called as a first thing inside game_manager -> spawn script action. If a map lacks script_multiplayer or the game_manager script block, it should be called at another entitys spawn block. If a map does not include a script_multiplayer entity and there are no entities with a scriptname set, ETJump automatically spawns an etjump_game_manager entity, which provides an entry point to the mapscript via etjump_manager scriptblock.

Each entity must be given classname and origin keys, and additionally for trigger_multiple_ext, trigger_starttimer_ext, trigger_checkpoint_ext, trigger_stoptimer_ext and func_fakebrush, the brushmodel mins and maxs (and contents in case of func_fakebrush). Spawning of point entities generally works as if you would make them in map editor (just remember to set origin key manually), but spawning of brush entities is severly limited. Such limits include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Only the following brush entities can be spawned without using an existing brush model from the map. Any other brush entity will spawn, but lack any volume and act as if they are point entities, even if mins/maxs are set.

    • trigger_multiple_ext

    • trigger_starttimer_ext

    • trigger_checkpoint_ext

    • trigger_stoptimer_ext

    • func_fakebrush

  • Spawning of visible brushwork only works by reusing the geometry of an existing brush entity in the map - it’s not possible to create your own, visible brushmodel with specific textures.

  • You cannot set surfaceparms, only contentparms can be modified with contents <integer> key, see surfaceflags.h.

    • Some contentparms are compile-time only, such as CONTENTS_LIGHTGRID and CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL, and cannot be used.

Reusing brushmodels

To reuse geometry from an existing brush entity in the map, use the model "*N" key, where N corresponds to the number of the brushmodel you want to use. To find out this number, open the BSP file of the map in any text editor, find the entity from which you want to reuse geometry from, and check the model number (e.g. "model" "*12"). This is the only way to create visible brush entities, and the only create a new brush entity with volume, apart from the entities mentioned above.

Example from oasis.bsp:

"model" "*12" // this is the model key we want
"scriptname" "water_pump_1"
"targetname" "water_pump_1"
"spawnflags" "8"
"track" "wp1"
"classname" "func_constructible"


If the brushmodel you are reusing is visible at the same time as the original brushmodel, either might become invisible.


When setting the origin key, the value is relative to the brushmodel you are reusing, meaning you are “moving” the brushmodel from its original postion rather than setting an absolute position.


Reusing another brushmodel does not remove the original, but rather duplicates it. This means that it’s possible to reuse same brushmodel multiple times for different entities.


Creating a new spawnpoint with a commmand map icon.

            classname "team_WOLF_objective"
            description "Extra Spawn"
            origin "-16 512 64"
            spawnflags "1" // DEFAULT_AXIS
            classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
            origin "-16 560 64"
            spawnflags "3" // INVULNERABLE | STARTACTIVE

Creating a trigger which activates a print, using etjump_game_manager.

            classname "trigger_multiple_ext"
            origin "224 -96 40"
            mins "-32 -32 -32"
            maxs "32 32 32"
            target "print_entity"
            classname "target_print"
            message "Hello!"
            origin "192 0 64"
            targetname "print_entity"

Creating a func_invisible_user which activates a print, along with visible brushwork to indicate it’s location.

            classname "func_invisible_user"
            cursorhint "HINT_ACTIVATE"
            origin "0 -540 0"
            model "*1" // a random func_explosive in the map
            target "print"
            classname "script_mover"
            scriptname "invis_bmodel"
            origin "0 -540 0"
            model "*1" // using same brushmodel as above to match size
            classname "target_printname"
            message "Hello!"
            origin "192 0 64"
            targetname "print"

Supply ETPro mapscript, using func_fakebrush to fix satchel exploit at crane controls.

// mortis - satchel exploit fix part one
    scriptName "bugfix2"
    classname "func_fakebrush"
    origin "721 -1663 384"
    contents 1  // CONTENTS_SOLID
    mins "-66 -4 -64"
    maxs "66 8 64"

// mortis - satchel exploit fix part two
    scriptName "bugfix3"
    classname "func_fakebrush"
    origin "787 -1633 384"
    contents 1  // CONTENTS_SOLID
    mins "-8 -32 -64"
    maxs "8 72 64"

cvar set/inc/random

cvar <cvarname> set/inc/random <value>

These mapscript actions have been removed from ETJump as they can be used for malicious purposes, e.g. changing rconPassword on server.


damageplayer <damage>

Damages player by given amount.


If the player has etj_nofatigue 1, the damage is halved due to the constant adernaline the cvar gives to the player.


This script action must be called via an entity that passes activator data!


    <key> <value>
    [key2 <value>]
    [key3 <value>]

Deletes all entities in the map matching the key(s)/value(s) pairs.


Unlike create, this does not need to be called in a spawn action of an entity.


If defining multiple key/value pairs, an entity must match all of them in order to be deleted.


This currently does not support all entity keys available across entities. For a list of supported keys, see here.


Deleting any entity with origin set to 100 100 100

        origin "100 100 100"

Deleting any entity with spawnflags 4 and targetname t1

        spawnflags "4"
        targetname "t1"


Acts as an entry point for mapscript. If a map contains no script_multiplayer or any entities with a scriptname set, you can use this script block to access mapscripting in a map, e.g. for spawning entities using create. This is only present in maps which do not provide script_multiplayer or entities with a scriptname set.


func_fakebrush is a special brush entity that can be spawned via mapscripts. Historically it is used in ETPro to fix exploits in maps. It can act as a clip brush for example to prevent players from jumping out of the map, if the mapper has failed to clip the map properly. To spawn a func_fakebrush, you must set the following keys: origin, mins, maxs and contents.


When g_scriptDebug is set to 1, this entitys bounding box will be drawn in red.



Kills the player as if they used /kill command.


This script action must be called via an entity that passes activator data!


playsound <sound> [looping|private] [volume <value>]

playsound in ETJump supports private keyword, which only plays the sound to the activator instead of globally.


private cannot be combined with looping.


This script action must be called via an entity that passes activator data!


    <key> <value>
    [key2 <value>]
    [key3 <value>]

set in ETJump has a special key classname_nospawn, which can be used to change an entitys classname without calling the spawn function again. This allows changing the entity’s type outside of any spawn script blocks, with the restiction that any setup that the entity normally performs while spawning is not run.


setplayerautospawn <objective description>

Sets the activating players auto spawnpoint to specified spawnpoint. objective description is the description key of team_WOLF_objective (visible next to the clickable flag on command map). Spawnpoint name must be inside quotes if it contains spaces (eg. setplayerautospawn "Forward Bunker").


This script action must be called via an entity that passes activator data!


setplayerspawn <objective description>

Sets the activating players current spawnpoint to specified spawnpoint. objective description is the description key of team_WOLF_objective (visible next to the clickable flag on command map). Spawnpoint name must be inside quotes if it contains spaces (eg. setplayerspawn "Forward Bunker").


This script action must be called via an entity that passes activator data!


tracker [index] <command> <value>

Manipulates or checks activators tracker values. If index is not set, defaults to index 1.




Sets activators tracker value


Increases tracker value


Abort script execution is activators tracker value is less than specified


Abort script execution is activators tracker value is greater than specified


Abort script execution is activators tracker value not equal to specified value


Abort script execution is activators tracker value is equal to specified value


Sets activators tracker bit


Resets activator tracker bit


Abort script execution is activators tracker value has specified bit set


Abort script execution is activators tracker value does not have specified bit set


This script action must be called via an entity that passes activator data!


Used for spawning a trigger_checkpoint entity. You must set mins, maxs and origin keys for this manually. Supports same entity keys and spawnflags as regular target/trigger_checkpoint.


When g_scriptDebug is set to 1, this entitys bounding box will be drawn in magenta.

trigger_multiple activate event

activate allies/axis

trigger_multiple activation passes team parameter to script, allowing you to define different script actions to trigger depending on the activators team.

    activate axis
        wm_announce "Activated by Axis player"
    activate allies
        wm_announce "Activated by Allied player"


Used for spawning a trigger_multiple entity. You must set mins, maxs and origin keys for this manually. Supports same entity keys and spawnflags as regular trigger_multiple.


When g_scriptDebug is set to 1, this entitys bounding box will be drawn in green.


Used for spawning a trigger_starttimer entity. You must set mins, maxs and origin keys for this manually. Supports same entity keys and spawnflags as regular target/trigger_starttimer.


When g_scriptDebug is set to 1, this entitys bounding box will be drawn in blue.


Used for spawning a trigger_stoptimer entity. You must set mins, maxs and origin keys for this manually. Supports same entity keys and spawnflags as regular target/trigger_stoptimer.


When g_scriptDebug is set to 1, this entitys bounding box will be drawn in blue.


usetarget <targetname>

Activates targeted entities. Same as alertentity, but passes the activator data to the target(s).


This script action must be called via an entity that passes activator data!


wm_announce <message>

Prints a popup messages for all players. %s can be used to print out activators name.


If using %s to print the activators name, you must call this via an entity that passes activator data!


wm_announce_private <message>

Prints a popup messages for the activator only. %s can be used to print out activators name.


This script action must be called via an entity that passes activator data!