Basic features

This page contains an introduction to the basic features of ETJump.

Under construction

This page is a work in progress. The old “Getting Started” page was split into three separate pages without much of new content. This will be filled with more information in the future.

Position saving and loading

ETJump offers players to ability to save and load their position. It’s recommended to bind these keys to conveniently available buttons, such as mouse4/5 or q/e for easy access, as you will be needing them often.

By default when you load a saved position, your viewangles are restored to match the angles you had when saving. Some players find this distracting, and it can be turned off by setting the etj_loadviewangles cvar to 0.


Saves are unique per team. A saved position created while playing on Allies cannot be loaded while playing on Axis.


There are 3 different saveslots available for each team, which can be accessed by typing save/load 0/1/2. By default, slot 0 is used.

See also

Speed meter

ETJump offers you two different speed meters to see how fast you’re going. These are both visible by default.



Both of the speed meters have several customization options.


It’s also possible to display your momentary max speed. Refer to etj_drawMaxSpeed.

Hiding & drawing other players

Collision with other players is disabled in ETJump by default. Because of this, it’s often desired to hide other players, to prevent them from blocking your view. This is enabled by default, and can be toggled with the etj_hide cvar.


If you don’t want other players to see you even when player hiding is disabled, you can enable the etj_hideMe cvar.

It’s also possible to draw other players using a simple, single colored shader by enabling the etj_drawSimplePlayers cvar.

simple players example

Pressed keys view

You can see what movement keys you are pressing by enabling etj_drawKeys. This also works while spectating other players, which is a great way for new players to learn some of the more advanced techniques from more experienced players. You can choose one from the following keysets.



etj_drawKeys 1

etj_drawKeys 2

etj_drawKeys 3

etj_drawKeys 4

etj_drawKeys 5

Teleporting (to) other players

You can teleport to a location of another player on the server by using the goto command. Similarly, you can teleport other players to your location using the call command.


By default, you are not allowed to target any players with these commands. A player must consent to being targeted by goto/call by using the nogoto and nocall

Chat features

The chat in ETJump offers a lot of new features. You can add timestamps to chat messages, expand it to show more than 8 messages, change the size and position and move it around freely.

The chat also supports a mentioning systen. You can tag players by typing a part of their name inside at signs, e.g. @name@. This marks the chat message for the tagged client and plays a notification sound.

THe full list of customization available is the following.

Chat replay

ETJump has a chat replay system, which replays the latest global chat messages to clients when they connect to a server, perform a vid_restart or when the map is changed. Messages sent prior to your initial connection to server are time-limited by default for privacy reasons - this is controllable by server admins with g_chatReplayMaxMessageAge cvar, which defaults to 5 minutes. Any messages that are sent after your session has started are always replayed to you.

chat replay example


  • You can turn off the replay on client side with etj_chatReplay cvar. This means you won’t see chat replays, but it does not prevent your messages in appearing in the replays sent to other players.

  • Server owners can also turn off chat replay entirely on the server with g_chatReplay cvar.

Private messages

You can send private messages to other players by typing /m <name|clientnum> <message> in the console.


Private messages are sent to all players who’s name match <name> partially. If you want to make sure you’re only sending the message to a single client, it’s safer to use <clientnum>.

If playing with ET: Legacy client, you can enable window flashing for incoming private messages if the game is minimized by setting the bit 2 on etj_highlight.


Fireteams in ETJump are team-agnostic, meaning there are no restrictions on which team the members of the fireteam are allowed to be in. Fireteams provide additional functionality to the gameplay by allowing players to enable features only for the members of the fireteam.


Fireteam members can set “rules” amongst themselves. The available rules are following:

  • noghost - fireteam members can toggle player collision between the members.

  • savelimit - fireteam members can limit the number of save commands each member is allowed to use.

Teamjump mode

When teamjump mode is enabled, target_ftrelay entity activates targets for each of the fireteam members.

See also


HUD drawing

A lot of the standard HUD elements are not important while playing ETJump, and can be hidden with the following cvars.

Portal gun

ETJump includes a portalgun for players to use. It can be found in weaponbank 9. Firing the secondary portal is done with +attack2 instead of weapalt.


To ease the portalgun usage, you can use etj_autoPortalBinds cvar.


Depending on the map and server settings, portalgun might be disabled, as it’s quite exploitable on a lot of maps.

Custom votes

ETJump offers a per-server custom vote system, which allows server owners and priviledged admins to add, edit and delete lists with specific maps on them. These lists can be voted by players via the in-game menu, or via console using callvote <randommap|rtv> <name> command.

It’s possible to vote for a random map from a list, or call a Rock The Vote with only maps from the specified list.

Setting up custom votes

Custom vote lists are defined in a file defined by g_customMapVotesFile. An example file can be generated by running generateCustomvotes command on the server. The custom vote file is a JSON file with the following format:

      "name" : "list1",
      "callvote_text" : "My List 1",
      "maps" : [ "map1", "map2", "map3" ]
      "name" : "list2",
      "callvote_text" : "My List 2",
      "maps" : [ "map1", "map2", "map3" ]

If editing the custom vote lists manually, it is necessary to either change map, or use readCustomvotes command on the server to apply the changes. Editing the lists via admin commands automatically reloads the lists.


Custom votes perform no validation on the map names, it is up to the server owners/admins to ensure the map names are correct. Any maps that are not on the server will be ignored in the voting.

Rock The Vote

Players can initiate a Rock The Vote (RTV) on a server, to select a random set of maps to be voted for as the next map. RTV can be called via the in-game menu, or with callvote rtv command. When RTV is called, players can open the list of votable maps by pressing vote yes binding, and pick a map to vote for from the opened list.

rtv menu

After the vote has concluded, the map with the most votes will be picked. If two or more maps end up with the same amount of votes, the winner is chosen randomly from those maps.


  • RTV can be disabled on the server with vote_allowRtv cvar.

  • The number of maps to pick from can be changed on the server with g_rtvMaxMaps cvar.

  • RTV minimum vote time is separate from regular votes, and can be configured with vote_minRtvDuration cvar.

Auto RTV

It’s possible to configure RTV to be automatically called by the server at specific intervals. If g_autoRtv is set, the server will automatically call RTV when a map has been running for the specified time. Players can call a vote to adjust the interval, or to turn the feature off completely.


  • Auto RTV interval does not progress if the server is empty or nobody is playing. Only after a player joins a team for the first time during a map, the timer starts progressing, and keeps going until the interval is reached.

  • Auto RTV interval voting can be turned off with vote_allowAutoRtv, leaving the setting to be configured only by the server owners.