Mapping for ETJump

Here you will find simple guide on how to start mapping for ETJump mod.

Getting started

To start mapping it's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to make a clean ET install seperate from your regular ET install. This way you won't accidentally use custom assets provided by other maps in your map. A third, untouched install could also come in handy when creating a pk3. This install should only be used to test if you have included every custom asset in your pk3.


To create maps, you need an id Tech 3 compatible level editor. Two of the most commonly used ones are GtkRadiant and NetRadiant (specifically netradiant-custom by Garux).

You can download GtkRadiant here.

You can download NetRadiant by Garux here.

GtkRadiant is the older, nowadays rarely updated level editor that most people have used to make maps. However, NetRadiant custom has gained popularity in recent times and is often the recommendation for mapping today, as it includes some excellent improvements in comparison to GtkRadiant, such as hardware accelerated 3D window, UV Tool, CSG Wrap Merge, customizeable shortcuts, new mouse shortcuts and Nvidia gamma fix to name a few. NetRadiant also has a built-in support for ETJump, meaning you can select ETJump as a mod when mapping, and you will automatically get ETJump entities in the editor.

In order to play your own maps you create, you need ETJump server files. These are not included in pk3 that you download from a server, instead you need to download them from ETJump website.

It's also recommended to download a more advanced text editor. Some options are Notepad++, Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code.

ETJump mapping assets

ETJump assets include entities and shaders that are useful when creating maps for ETJump. You can get the assets from GitHub.

ETJump mapping entities

While creating your map, you most likely want to use entities provided by ETJump. Along with explanations provided in entity file, you can check the documentation on how to use ETJump specific entities. See the full list here.