List of ETJump admin commands

Below is a list of all ETJump related admin commands.


!8ball [question]
8ball answers all your questions with three possible answers: yes, no and maybe.

Flag: a


!add-season --name [name] [required] --start-date [YYYY-MM-DD] [required] --end-date-exclusive [YYYY-MM-DD]
Adds a new timerun season. If --end-date-exclusive isn't set, the season will be active until end date is added with !edit-season.

Note: season names are case insensitive.

Flag: T


!addlevel [level] -cmds [commands] -greeting [greeting] -title [title]
Adds a new level. Optionally you can use -cmds, -greeting and -title switches to set commands, greeting and title.

Flag: A


Prints your admin level to everyone in the chat.

Flag: a


!ban [player] [time] [reason]
Bans a player. Optionally you can set a time for ban duration in seconds. No time means a permanent ban. Optionally you can also give a reason for the ban that will be printed to the banned user. Setting a reason requires and time as well.

Flag: b


Cancels the current vote.

Flag: C


!delete-season --name [exact name]
Deletes a timerun season. Name must be an exact match.

Note: this will delete all timerun records associated with the season. Season names are case insensitive.

Flag: T


!deletelevel [level]
Deletes a level. Users who are currently set to deleted level will be set to level 0.

Flag: A


!edit-season --name [name] [required] --start-date [YYYY-MM-DD] --end-date [YYYY-MM-DD]
Edits an existing timerun season.

Note: season names are case insensitive.

Flag: T


!editcommands [level] +[command] -[command]
Edits a single level's commands. Adding a + before the command will add that command to the level, adding a - before the command will remove that command from the level. The following example adds kick and ban to level 5 and removes 8ball from the level 5. !editcommands 5 +kick +ban -8ball

Flag: A


!editlevel [level] -cmds [commands] -greeting [greeting] -title [title] -clear cmds,greeting,title
Edits a level. -cmds [command flags] to edit commands, -greeting [greeting]o edit greeting, -title [title] to edit title. To empty commands, greeting or title do for example -clear cmds.

Flag: A


!edituser [id] -cmds [commands] -greeting [greeting] -title [title] -clear cmds, greeting, title
Edits user's private commands, greeting or title. -cmds [command flags] to edit commands, -greeting [greeting] to edit greeting, -title [title] to edit title. -clear cmds to empty commands.

Flag: A


!findmap [partial name] [maps per row]
Lists all maps on server matching [partial name]. Use [maps per row] to define how many maps are listed per row.

Flag: a


!finduser [name]
Lists users that match the name.

Flag: A


!finger [name]
Prints information about target player.

Flag: f


!help [command]
Prints a list of commands if no parameter is given. If a parameter is given, prints the manual of given command.

Flag: a


!kick [player]
Kicks target player.

Flag: k


!leastplayed [count]
Lists the least played maps on the server. If no [count] is given, defaults to 5 maps. Maximum number of maps to list is 100.

Flag: a


!levelinfo [level]
Lists all levels if no level is given. If a level is given, prints information of that level.

Flag: A


!listbans [page]
Lists bans. If no page is given, lists latest bans.

Flag: L


Lists command flags for each admin command.

Flag: A


Lists all maps on the server.

Flag: a


Lists all players on server.

Flag: l


!listusernames [id]
Lists all names player with id has used on the server.

Flag: A


!listusers [page]
Lists users that have visited the server. If a page is given, lists users on that page. Max 20 users per page.

Flag: A

loadcheckpoints, load-checkpoints

!loadcheckpoints [run name]
!loadcheckpoints [run name] [rank]
Loads timerun checkpoints for comparison for given timerun. If [rank] isn't specified, defaults to rank 1 time. Loaded checkpoints can be cleared by specifying -1 as rank. [run name] supports partial matching.

Flag: a


!map [map]
Changes map to target map.

Flag: M


!mapinfo [map]
Lists information about target map.

Flag: a


!mostplayed [count] Lists the most played maps on the server. If no [count] is given, defaults to 5 maps. Maximum number of maps to list is 100.

Flag: a


!moverscale [value]
Scales vehicle movement speed by given value. Valid range is 0.1-5.0.

Flag: v


!mute [player]
Mutes target player.

Flag: m


!newmaps [count]
Displays the latest [count] maps added to the server, sorted from oldest to newest. Maximum number of maps to list is 50.

Flag: a


!noclip [player] [count]
Gives noclip to player. If count is specified, allows player to use noclip [count] times.

Flag: N


Passes current vote.

Flag: P


!rankings [season]
!rankings --season [season] --page [page] --page-size [page size]
Prints timerun rankings. If no parameters are given, prints top 20 overall rankings.

Flag: a

ranks, records, times and top

!records [run name]
!records [map name] [run name]
!records [season] [map name] [run name]
!records --season [season] --map [map name] --run [run name] --page [page] --page-size [page size]
Prints timerun records with given parameters. If [run name] isn't specified, prints top 3 records of all timeruns in the map. If specified, will print top 20 records for given run. If [season] isn't specifed, prints overall records. [run name], [map name] and [season] support partial name matching.

Note: !ranks, !reconds, !times and !top are all valid aliases for this command.

Flag: a


!rename [player] [new name]
Renames target player.

Flag: R


Restarts current map.

Flag: r


Lists all timerun seasons on the server.

Flag: a


!setlevel [player] [level] or -id [id] [level]
Sets target player or player with id to level.

Flag: s


!spectate [player]
Spectates target player.

Flag: a


!tokens create [easy (e)|medium (m)|hard (h)]

!tokens move

!tokens delete

!tokens delete [easy (e)|medium (m)|hard (h)] [1-6]

Creates/deletes a collectible token with given parameters. You can create maximum of 6 tokens per difficulty. !tokens move moves nearest token to your location. !tokens delete deletes a token nearest to your location.

Flag: V


!unban [ban id]
Removes ban with ID. ID can be checked with the !listbans command.

Flag: b


!unmute [player]
Unmutes target player.

Flag: m


!userinfo [id]
Prints information about user.

Flag: A

Silent command execution

Allows clients to execute any admin commands available to them silently, without having the typed command appear in chat.

Note: Must be typed in console. Any output that the given command produces might still be visible to other clients.

Flag: /